Visiting An Antique Store Can Change Everything

antique collection

The past intrigues and mystifies as we move forward into the technological age. While laptops, tablets, and phones that do more than the first computer could enamor us, we are still fascinated with aspects of the past. The past shapes us and brings us forward in ways we do not always understand. That is why an antique collection gathers attention from many individuals. Nostalgia, yearning for a simpler time, and an altogether sense of times long past make many people stop in their tracks. 

Stopping into a store with antiques can do many things for an individual. Being in this kind of place humbles us and lets us take a step out of our lives into something simple. It can be an experience all on its own. This is especially true for the younger generations born into an era where technology has never existed. It seems that fewer and fewer individuals can take a step away and appreciate what the past had to offer.

You never know what you are going to find on a regular basis upon entry. You can find something that can inspire a story, a comic, a movie, anything you can imagine. Recently, the steampunk genre has become a sort of mix up of the best things from the past with the technology of today and beyond. Therefore, the inspiration is here and will continue to enable creativity like this.

A few years ago, an antique store in Boston had beautiful lithographs and engravings that you normally would never be able to secure. What you find can make you stop. A quick stop turns into hours. An antique store is a place to find anything for those special people that have a peculiar taste. Individual pieces and one-of-a-kind works always bring together past and present.

Those of us that work at antique shops are the treasure hunters, digging for buried treasure. We search, and sometimes things come to us. We find them, care for them, then return it to the next soul that didn’t even know they needed it. Collectors, individuals who want to spruce up their home or those who didn’t know they were missing something, are joyful while finding the right piece.

An antique collection is always unique. Collections can be quirky, strange, romantic, or a mix of everything. So, stepping into an antique shop opens the eyes and the mind. It would be wonderful if everyone stepped into an antique store at least once in their life. They would be able to see the past come to life. Movies, books, plays, and stories paint the original picture. Still, to truly step back in time and see the care and dedication, that is what makes our job worth everything.

Come and stop in to see our newest range of antiques in our antique collection at Nashua Coins and Collectibles Tuesday through Saturday at 202 Main Street. You will be amazed at the time travel you can do in one visit.

How Long Will It Take?

appraise coins

appraise coinsFor those who are new to the world of coins and antiques, you may not quite understand what our shop does. We buy coins based on the rates that are on the market, then sell them. These are flexible and change every 15 minutes, so we stay up to date with these prices constantly. That isa central part of how we appraise coins. Our shop owner, Gary, looks at a coin and finds out what he can price it at in an instant. He knows coins that well. However, when it comes to the antiques, that takes a bit longer than we plan.

Now, we try to get a quote for you as soon as possible. However, some things require a lot of digging compared to others. During coin appraisals, we look for mint marks, grade, and year of the coin. A keen eye comes with research and experience. However, with, say, jewelry or pieces of art, it takes a while to find out more information about the item. The process takes anywhere from 15 minutes to however long it takes to appraise coins. It depends on how rare the piece is and its condition.

Pieces with mint marks are simpler to figure out. A mint mark on the coin explains how many got made, the amount in circulation, and many other things determining price factors. We don’t guess. So, it’s important that we consider everything when we appraise coins before we tell you a price. Also, if you are away from us, feel free to send us email pictures just in case. That way, we have time to research. Plus, you do not need to part with your pieces.

For the collectibles items that take time, it’s up to you how you are going to handle the situation. If it is going to take a while, take the object home with you. That way, we call on you to bring the object back if you approve of the price that we offer. The other option that you have is to leave it with us. The object gets locked up safe while we do our research. Our research occurs on a mix of Google links and databases to ensure that we have all the information we need. It takes some time, so it is important that we make sure all of our ducks are in a row.

Remember that getting a price from us on something that you wish to sell takes some time. We try to be quick, but it depends on the piece. If you have a rare piece, prepare to wait. The good thing is that there are plenty of places near our shop to grab a bite to eat. Or, find some fun distractions just by looking around the store. No matter what, keep in mind that appraisals aren’t always simple. A thorough research process trumps getting things done fast!

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