Our Coin Store’s Experience at the Chocolate Stroll

2018 Nashua Chocolate Stroll: One for the Books!

While February is often cold and harsh to deal with for New Englanders, it brings one thing to downtown Nashua we are all happy to celebrate: Nashua Chocolate Stroll. For those not in the know, it’s an event where shoppers can indulge in complimentary chocolate treats from noon until 5 P.M. It’s an opportunity for shops in the area to show off all they have to offer. Our coin store was no exception. We had a great time this year!

During the day, we provided raffles for our customers. A couple of thrilled winners got prizes they’re sure to enjoy for as long as they have them. Plenty of customers visited our shop. We were busy all day and could barely stand still. Not that we want to, of course. We always encourage people to visit our coin store whether it’s a busy day or a day when we could use some customer interaction.

As the day went on, we received positive feedback from customers and neighboring businesses alike. That was one of the best parts. For us, connecting with those around us remains critical. We always wish to make an impact on those who want to visit Nashua Coins and Collectibles or build their coin collection. Whether they were looking for new coins or wanted to find a fascinating antique, there’s no doubt that customers were happy during the Chocolate Stroll.

Looking Toward The Future

2018 marked the third year the Nashua Chocolate Stroll occurred. We are looking forward to all of the opportunities future strolls can provide for our business and city. We only hope to grow and expand our customer base as we continue to deliver quality products that people return to time and time again. It’s nice to have a laid-back, connective event during a time of the year that could use a little bit of cheer and warmth.

Whether you just visited us during 2018’s stroll or are a regular, we’re happy to help you find coins and antiques you’ll love. Our coin store’s selection is second-to-none. We encourage hobbyists and casual collectors alike to come to our business and learn more about us. If you have any questions about what we have in stock or what we could provide you, please give us a call at (855)-287-2216. See what we can do for you today.

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