Nashua Coins

Laurie Galbo

I’m Laurie Galbo, wife of Gary since 2003.

I have been in and out of retail since junior high school, but truly never anticipated not only returning to it, but having the passion for it that I do. It all began with a part time job when I could no longer play sports and wanted some money like every kid. I realized I was pretty good at it, as did my employers and I was rapidly rewarded with advancement and jobs I never dreamed of. Not many young women who are athletic see themselves flying to New York on a buying trip!

I earned my degree in Small Animal Science and began my life long hope of working in veterinary medicine. I was a Veterinary Technician concentrating in the OR and life was great! I worked hard, and all good things started happening.

I then wound up in the situation most of us dread, with an illness that controls my world and I needed to leave my chosen career. I took on several positions and then my husband asked me to work with him at Nashua Coins and Collectibles. This is a place like no other, we get to meet the people that sell items on a basis like no other and share the details with the new owner; this makes each day unique, each transaction priceless and every customer we meet a new friend!

202 Main St.
Nashua, NH 03060
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Main Phone: 603-718-1018
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Sun - Tues: CLOSED
Wed - Sat: 12AM - 6PM

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